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Shifter Trials Page 5
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Page 5
“Why? I thought we had something good.”
“We have a tryst, hidden in the dark. I want all of you. I had hoped you’d want the same thing. This was the only way to do it.”
“Bullshit. You want the marriage-based alliance.”
He looked down. “Yeah, under the orders of my clan leader.”
“Only the vamp powers let you beat me. You can’t win, so how was this supposed to get us together?” Disappointment and rage warred inside her. He tricked her, used her, loved her. “I will never forgive you for this. Begin it,” she spat, staring down Caleb. She wanted only to move, to find an outlet for the cocktail of emotions exploding under her too tight, too hot skin.
An eagle shifter blew the kalenka, the ritual eagle trumpet used for all ceremonies. She echoed the screeching of the instrument as she shifted to eagle and took to the skies. The cool wind skating against her feathers offered no relief from the blood boiling in her veins. She’d never started the trials as an eagle, but Hayden taught her to use surprise to her advantage. With her superior eyesight, she watched him move. He started in human form, probably saving his shifts for later. Knowing he was wolf, the anomalies in his body type made sense. The predatory grace of his gait, the flexing of thick, corded muscles usually absent in vampires, that musky, outdoors, way too sexy smell. He was truly beautiful to behold. And I’m an idiot for noticing.
Time to decimate him.
She grabbed a current to thrust her forward, passing him easily in the air. Her heart broke as every flap of her wings pushed her ahead of him. The serenity of the clouds, the abstract beauty of the treetops cloaked in the orange and yellow of fall, the feel of the wind, once her refuge from the stress of leadership, did nothing to soothe the aching emptiness Hayden’s betrayal ignited. Anger and adrenaline made her fast, soaring mile after mile, until a frightened whimper pulled her out of her thoughts. It grew louder. She flew higher, losing speed, but gaining a wider view.
About twenty yards outside the trial path, a young pup she recognized as Beatrice hid behind a bush. No other adult in sight. After what happened to Yuri and Carlotta, she didn’t think twice and headed straight for Bea, shifting to wolf as soon as she hit the ground. Nearing it slowly, she tapped her nose to the pup, taking in a deep whiff to see if she smelled anything off. The scent was normal. She heard a branch crack somewhere. The smell of fall spice and changing leaves overpowered her senses. The pup looked into her eyes, and she licked along its back, looking for scrapes, cuts, bites or other injuries. Nothing, probably just lost and scared. The investigative licking allowed Beatrice to relax and sidle up to her. Her gray fur had an unusual silver pattern at the nape, almost like a lion’s mane. She’d have to bring Bea with her until she found someone she could pass the babe off to. Using her teeth, she grabbed Bea’s nape, and began to run. Talia had created a substantial lead in eagle form and should be able to maintain it, even with the pup’s added weight.
The wolfling, used to being carried, calmed into the heavy pace. Talia maintained a healthy thirty miles per hour, spurred on by the crisp fall air, the scent of ripe apples heavy on the trees, and hard, pebbled earth under her feet. A familiar scent hit her nose. Hayden was catching up. Desire to run by his side, to share the earth with him as a wolf, slammed her heart.
Swallowing the pain, she accelerated, but ensured the comfort of the pup until she hit Hell’s Climb—a four-hundred-foot rock face with precious few hand- and footholds. She’d have to fly around it with the infant. Eagle’s talons, meant to hold prey, could easily carry a small wolf pup. But that would use up her shift allotments. She’d have to run the rest of the race as a human, her slowest form. With enough lead, she could still beat him. Why did you do this, Hayden?
Blinking madly to keep control of her emotions, she gently placed the pup down. After a quick nuzzle to Beatrice’s throat, she switched to eagle and slowly, tenderly picked it up in one foot. Beatrice squirmed and twisted against the razored talons, whimpering in fear. Talia had to let her go, then gave her another wolf nuzzle as best as she could with the beak, while allowing the pup to smell her. Her scent remained similar no matter which form she took. Talia quieted her own mind, in case Beatrice was reacting to her anger, not her eagle shape.
Precious minutes later, Beatrice calmed enough to be picked up. As soon as Talia hit the air, she saw Hayden arrive at the bottom of the rock, eyes gleaming. Her wolf noticed his size, the power of his flanks, his speed and dominance. His shift to human was smooth and rapid. He easily found a starting hold and maneuvered up the rock face faster than she’d ever seen anyone do it. Sleek muscle rippled with every long-armed reached, and bend of his legs. He was superb. Getting her head out of her libido, she headed toward the final segment, what should be an easy sprint through the valley. Even with Beatrice. Hayden might be fast, but he still could never scale Hell’s Climb swiftly enough to win. With every beat of her wings, her heart shriveled a little more.
She landed next to a copse of trees between two small hills that served as the entrance to the valley on this trial circuit. As she put the now sleeping Beatrice down, the pressure change of the flight had knocked her out, she was about to morph to human, but a clicking sound caught her attention. She gazed around, could just see the fire pit, an easy five miles away, with the precision of her eagle’s eye. Nothing seemed out of place. Using her wolf’s sense of smell, she scanned the area, picking up the same almost-exaggerated scents of fall as earlier but nothing else.
From around one of the trees, two eaglets appeared, talons tapping the ground as they walked. She nudged them with her beak, and they settled against her wing. She gently rubbed them again, let them take in her scent before switching to human. No other adults around, she’d have to run with Beatrice and two eaglets. Taking off her long sleeved shirt, she fashioned it into a makeshift sling. Her tank top would serve as a barrier between claws and her skin, as she carefully placed the babies in it. Using her hands to keep the youngsters in place, she plowed forward down the hill into the valley at a rapid walk. Running, even jogging, was impossible without jostling the infants.
Although she lacked the speed of her wolf, and the babes weighed heavy after the first mile, she maintained the steady pace. One foot in front of the next. Four miles to go. The babes jostled and whimpered. Her shoulders screamed with pain. Three miles, then two. She caught a whiff of deep forest, musk and fur. Hayden was catching up.
At the mile marker, she’d reach the corded section that held the crowds. She’d be able to pass off the babes and run full blast. Refusing to look backwards, she kept advancing, trying to ignore the scent that got stronger with every breath she took.
One mile. When she reached the edge of the cordoned area, Talia gingerly handed over her precious cargo to one of her scouts. “Take care of them.” She sprinted toward the fire pit. A heavy weight tapped her thigh. Hayden. She quickened, he kept pace. Nose to nose they flew. She pumped her arms, gulped stale air into her lungs, squeezed her abdominals and pushed every last ounce of speed from her thighs and calves. Heavier and stronger, Hayden jumped the finish line, onto the podium, shifting in mid-air, landed on his feet, and grabbed the torch, just as Talia’s feet hit the stands. The fire blazed, tendrils of blue and orange bringing light to the shadow.
She’d lost. She’d actually lost.
And she would be given to another—a political marriage. No matter that she craved him like a madness. No matter that she loved him, soul deep. Her freedom, her choices were lost to a physical trial of strength and endurance and a political betrayal beyond what she ever imagined, and could never forgive.
The crowd was silent, surprised as she was with the result. Her consort would be half vampire, part fae, the first vamp-shifter hybrid ever known. The clans’ future, tied to hers, was now murky, frightening, unknown. Hayden’s clear green gaze drilled into her, refusing to let her do anything but stare back. Very few could do this. His dominance, his strength, fiercely attracted her. A gray wolf pup
with a unique set of silver markings on her nape bounded on stage and nuzzled Hayden’s legs.
“Hello, Beatrice,” he said with a big grin, as he scooped her up and gave her a cuddle.
Anger speed through her system like an eagle zooming in for the kill. “You used babies to beat me.” The insult even deeper since he knew, he knew, her love and respect for children.
“It was the only way.”
She slapped him again, the anger needing physical form.
“I’m going to enjoy payback. But I am not planning on slapping your face.” The shit-eating grin did nothing to reduce the pain and anger threatening to spill out.
“Our babies were never in danger,” Nicca said, as she took her place by her side. That aroma of autumn leaves and apple spice struck Talia’s senses as a small crowd of people walked onto the podium to stand behind Hayden.
“Each babe had a pair of wolves, eagles, and bats hidden nearby.” Nicca gave a nod to Maya. “None of us would let any harm come to our children. You know that.” Her voice shook with emotion.
“We hid their scents with autumn spice,” Caleb added.
“I don’t understand.”
Not true. She knew the clans wanted her settled with a consort, thinking a ruling pair would stabilize the tensions and bear stronger weight in the Clans Council. She just couldn’t believe they would resort to such deceit.
Caleb moved closer. “You needed a consort who could relate to both clans. Besides you, Hayden is the only other master of earth and air.” The partner she had always dreamed of yet never believed possible. But not like this.
“And someone with inroads into the urban leadership. We need to play nicer, with the emerging fae threat.” Caleb’s words were gentle but firm.
“They tricked us to get it,” she choked on her words. The perfect political marriage, to extend the reach of the clans. Just like her parents’.
“So you all lied to me. All of you.” She glanced around. To their credit, every one of them met her gaze, not one looked away. “Even you, Nicca.” Ice formed around her heart, to numb the pain of duplicity ripping into her from all directions.
“I’ve never seen you respond to anyone the way you responded to him. He truly loves you, and he’s also the first person to figure out why your parents implemented the trials. It was one of the few things they both agreed upon when it came to you.”
“To ensure a strong pairing that both clans respected.” Talia repeated the line she’d heard over and over again.
“No, to ensure a good match for you. One that met the political demands but also stood a chance of making you happy.” The rough tones of Hayden’s voice still had the power to send shivers through her. Damn him. “No one allowed to compete can beat you in a head to head competition. The person would have to outthink you. It required an intimacy of connection, to understand you.” He stepped to her and lowered his voice to a whisper. “To love you.”
“It wouldn’t succeed if the aspirant didn’t make allies in the clans, ensuring at least some support for your consort,” Nicca added.
“The trials were the only way we thought we could combine a political and a love match,” Caleb said. “Your mother wanted to spare you her pain.” The sadness in Caleb’s voice washed over her, gentling the anger. He had paid the steep price of Ariana’s marriage, too.
Murmurs from the crowd. The shuffling of feet. No matter how betrayed she felt, she still led the two clans and would not shirk her obligations. She took a deep breath and turned to face the crowd. “The trials have determined my consort. Do the clans accept the winner?”
The crowd yelled aye, and it looked as if every hand waved in the air. Her clans clearly wanted her mated.
“Hayden, do you accept the victory?”
“No, I do not.”
The crowd went quiet. She could almost hear everyone’s eyes popping wide open in surprise. To her own surprise, feelings of disappointment collided with her anger. As hurt and humiliated as she was by his actions, Hayden still owned her heart. “Hayden?”
“I free you from the obligation of a political marriage. Since I won, and the crowd agreed, I am now your legal consort. I had a lawyer review the laws surrounding the trials. If I refuse, you are now free to choose your own partner.”
“Hayden, what do you bloody well think you’re doing? This was not our plan.” Maya’s black eyes flared red.
“No, but it has always been my plan.”
Hayden turned his focus to Talia and Talia alone. “Talia Orion, I have loved you from the first moment I saw you, teeth bared, fighting a swarm of demi-fae. You’re the partner I would choose to be my side in air and on land, to forever share the wind under moon and sun. But I, too, want to be chosen. By you. So I reject the political prize, but I will ask the woman. If your answer is no, I promise to walk away.”
Anger drained away with every word he spoke as she came to accept that everything done today was done out of love for her.
“Talia, I love you. Will you be my life partner?” Love shimmered like a bright shiny new coin in his eyes, infused his scent. Her wolf and eagle wanted him as much as she did.
He gave her the choice. And there was no choice at all. She nodded, as she struggled to force words over the lump in her throat. “I claim you as mine, Hayden. In public, for all to see.” She kissed him and kept kissing him until the dawn broke.
Full Moon
Hayden took Talia’s hand as they walked out of the theater. A crisp autumn breeze caressed her cheek as he led her to a pub one block away, easily navigating through the pointing fingers, high fives, and shoulder pats from the other theater patrons. News of their engagement had spread like wildfire. As leaders in their clans, they had to create a public presence, which meant letting people see them together to get used to them as a couple. Hayden, of course, decided this was an exceptional opportunity for a real courtship. He made it his mission to share all his favorite hotspots with her and get to know hers. Once they got through both their lists, their goal would be find places, old and new, that they would make theirs. As she glanced up at the bold, bright light of the full moon, once a source of dread to her, she wanted to howl with joy and freedom. If she were still stiff and hesitant in public, she was determined to make it work. Hayden was a patient and persevering teacher.
“Here it is, my love. At this pub, I plotted my campaign to win your heart.” He stopped at the entrance to a stairway, hidden between two nondescript glass doors with restaurant names painted in the same gaudy scarlet. He guided her down the steps, through a wooden door that creaked as it opened and moaned even louder as it closed behind her. The odor of stale beer, meat grease, and potatoes fried in peanut oil hung in the air. The scent got stronger as he led her through the long narrow room to a table in the corner, covered with pads of paper and a dented tin can full of pencils. “And this is the very table.” He smiled that smile that had her wishing they were already home. They had a relationship to build, so she took a seat. Hayden gave her a swift kiss, then moved the second chair so it was directly next to her rather than across from her, and sat down. She knew he liked to sneak caresses and kisses and was encouraging her to do so in public. “So what shall we plan together?” Hayden asked as he pushed a yellow pad with half formed flowers drawn in the corner over to her, then caught the bartender’s eye and nodded. “The downfall of the fae?”
“Ambitious, my lady alpha. I was thinking about our next date, but I’m open.” She laughed, because she was so in love with him, she had to release all that happiness. The bartended dropped off two pints of an amber ale and had just taken their burger orders when her phone rang. She looked at the caller. “I have to answer it,” she said. “Nicca knows only to call for an emergency.”
When she tried to talk to her councilor, the connection kept breaking up. “I’ve got to go outside and find out what’s going on. I’ll be right back.” With a squeeze to his shoulder, she h
ustled out of the pub into the air and dealt with the latest wolf-eagle scrape. She headed back to Hayden fifteen minutes later to find Greta, the vampire circus performer in her seat, leaning forward, her breasts spilling out of a tight black blouse, with too many buttons left open. Hayden, to his credit, had moved the chair back to its original position, away from easy touch, although it made it easier for Greta to show off her stuff.
“Everything okay?” Hayden asked, as he shuffled back in his chair, enhancing the distance from Greta.
Talia nodded, then put her hands on Hayden’s cheeks, kissing him long, hard, and deep. Coughs, whistles, and claps filled her ears and still she kept kissing him. When she managed to tear herself free, she nestled tightly in his lap. Hayden’s arms slipped around her where they belonged.
“Let’s be clear.” She looked into Greta’s eye, holding back the alpha dominance, and just letting Talia, the besotted, possessive female shine through. “Hayden is mine and mine alone. So button up your shirt, get out of my chair, and spread the word. I love this man. Anyone who tries to take him from me, will have to deal with the woman, the wolf, and the eagle.” She let out the eagle battle screech, released the talons in one hand and slashed through the yellow pad on the table. Greta scurried away, buttoning up her shirt as she went.
“My house is minutes from here. We can plan later,” Hayden whispered in her ear as his hands stroked her everywhere. He then kissed along her jaw to her throat and nibbled decadently at the carotid artery pulsing rapidly with her own desire.
Using every ounce of willpower she had, she kissed him lightly then left his arms. She took the seat Greta vacated and moved it next to him. “You were always right. We are more than sex in a dark room. Since we have mastered the bedroom…” She ran her finger gently across his swollen lips, letting him feel the love in her touch and see it in her eyes. “Let’s plan a big public outing and let the real trials, of building our life together, begin.”